My name is Alma Tilghman. Currently, we are on a road trip in the state of Baja California, Mexico. I've been a traveler at heart since I can remember. As a very young kid, I spent a part of my childhood living in a motorhome with my parents, where our home was whatever part of the Pacific Coast Highway that my dad chose to stop at that evening. We lived in a motor home not because I had some kind of cool bohemian hippie parents (although, I do believe my father especially had that hippie spirit) but because it was what my immigrant parents could afford at the time. Later, I remember taking flights as well as road trips, to visit my grandparents and cousins in Mexico during school breaks. In short, I was exposed to a whole lot of stuff, some good, some bad, but adapting was my way of life - so it’s no surprise that travel is what I love most in life!
I am a Latina, 40+ years-old, making a job transition from the events industry to the travel industry and in the words of my friend Bevy Smith, "It gets greater, later!" Recently, I started a travel company Alma Explores that focuses on experiential and culture- focused travel. I curate and lead small and private group trips to places where people can immerse themselves in the local culture and happenings endemic to the area, such as Mexico’s butterfly migration. The experiences include activities such as cooking and wine tasting in Mexico’s Valle de Guadalupe, witnessing the monarch butterfly and grey whale migrations in Mexico, art, music, and architecture experiences or even climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. We’ve traveled worldwide and are in the process of rolling out several world experiences. Although COVID-19, has put a temporary halt on current offerings, we plan to be running some of our local offerings by June 2021. Our trips are open to everyone, but we especially want to inspire more women of color to travel the world. We strongly believe that travel should be inspirational, educational, responsible, and yes, still fun!
